take a step into your Healing journey.

heal, grow and thrive despite a painful past.

Hypnotherapist welcoms clients

Hello. I'm Aga.

Welcome to Dabrowska Therapy. I’m honored to see you here as the first step toward your healing journey.

I created Dabrowska Therapy with the mission to help people find relief and heal from past hurts through counseling and hypnotherapy. 

People deserve to feel joyful. Therefore, I guide youth and parents from frustration, behavioral problems and power struggles to emotionally balanced, calm and well connected families who laugh together. I use children’s natural healing language of PLAY  to restore well being.

Adults and parents can hurt from unresolved past hurts, too. I teach adults techniques that allow them to calm down and regulate their nervous systems, relief anxiety and recognize unhealthy patterns.  Don’t stay on the way to your conscious, loving parenting and successful relationships. 

In counseling, we will together develop individualized healing plan for you or your child. This plan will incorporate evidence based skills training and self regulation techniques (CBT, Stress- Managament, Theraplay) with approaches reaching and healing the deepest parts of one’s mind and soul such a hypnotherapy

Stepping into Your Healing Journey

A disturbing experience (an illness, difficult break-up, divorce, accident, assault, bullying) or a prolonged series of traumatic events (an ongoing emotional and/or physical abuse)  can leave one completely overwhelmed with feelings or unable to feel at all.

Either way, the joy of life once felt so fully and vibrantly is no were to be found. A part of you might  be missing. It got replaced with sadness, fearful thoughts, nightmares, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, intense sense of shame, guilt, worthlessness, depression, social avoidance and unhealthy relationships. There is hope. You have come to the right place.

Effects of emotionally, psychologically and physically disturbing events can last for decades but they do not have to rule you or your family’s life anymore.

Individually focused counseling, whether you find comfort in traditional talk therapy or hypnotherapy, will help you heal. You can feel whole and joyful again.


How can I help you?


Uncover hurts and believes stored deep in your subconscious mind which are causing you emotional and physical symptoms today.

Anxiety & stress menagement

Lear how to effectively manage and relief your worries and stress. You deserve to feel peaceful again.

First love yourself program

Find the root cause of your self love deficiency, heal it and thrive.


Help your child to regulate it's emotions, heal emotional wounds and strengthen parent- child relationship through play.

Begin your journey

    Contact info


    603 Geneva Rd
    St. Charles, IL 60174

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    How can I help you?