it's ok to let it go!

Are you ready to let go of the past hurts?

I am here to guide you. Have you decided to take control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviors? Are you ready to remove  the veil of sadness, constant stress, disappointment and disempowerment and watch yourself  healing as pain from emotional abuse gradually dissolves?

Letting go of old, known believes and feelings can be difficult and scary.  And let me tell you, these old thinking habits and believes don’t like to be disturbed and won’t go anywhere willingly. That is why I complement traditional talk therapy with relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy. Past hurts (physical or emotional abuse, accidents, bullying, betrayal)  belong in the past! Start creating your new life.

With youth, I use their natural language of healing -play!- to explore, assess and rewire their inner world so they can thrive again.

Getting your life back after surviving psychological, physical or emotional abuse and hurts.

Sydney was in her late 20 and a valued employee.  However, she has been silently experiencing panic attacks worrying, she won’t be able to catch up with the work load. She wanted to please her supervisor and be liked by her co-workers, so she never complained. After work, she felt exhausted, did not have energy to exercise, make herself a healthy meal or go out with friends. Sydney had been putting everyone else’s needs before her own which is a common result of a low self-esteem after living in an emotionally abusive environment. Sydney got to learn how to heal her self-love deficiency by completing the  F.L.Y.  PROGRAM (First Love Yourself Program).

Kathy left her husband of 7 years. She felt inadequate as a wife and a failure as a woman for not making her marriage work. If she had only been nicer to her ex-husband, more romantic, kept the house cleaner… She blamed herself. She had nightmares, was never able to relax and felt terror inside when she saw a silver car on the road- the same kind her ex-husband used to drive when he blocked her way, causing a scene in the neighborhood, one day after she was twenty minutes late from work. Kathy lived with a controlling  spouse. She suffered from emotional abuse and did not understand how could that happen to her.  Through HYPNOTHERAPY,  Kathy discovered the reasons she has been accepting such behaviors for years. Her anxiety subsided and sleep improved.  Counseling helped her to rebuild her new life from the place of strength.

Tom was adopted at the age of 3. His adoptive parents were thrilled to welcome him to their family. They were unaware of his traumatic past and could not understand, at first, why would he hide food in his room, spit at them and other children at the day care, hit the dog, run away or have forever-lasting temper tantrums over “nothing”. Tom’s parents, through THERAPLAY, got to learn how to regulate their son’s behaviors and help him learn how to trust the world and people again.

About me

Hypnotherapist welcoms clients

When working with my clients, my focus is on guiding children and adults through their healing process after experiencing a traumatic event.

Seeing people empowered instead of victimized, waking up to the opportunities unfolding in front of them instead of self-sabotaging is what drives me as a therapist.

I am passionate about my work but don’t deny that I had been frustrated in the past about limitations of traditional talk therapy. Simply changing thoughts from negative to positive ones, helpful of course, has not been addressing my clients’ deepest pains no matter how hard they have tried. Therefore, with my clients, I now combine important skills training and self-regulation techniques with approaches reaching and healing deepest parts of one’s mind and soul such as hypnotherapy. The same philosophy is true in my work with children. I don’t expect them to sit on my couch and listen or follow behavioral plans at home! Play is a natural language of healing for children. So I encourage them to play! We play within the frame work of Theraplay and Sand-tray therapy.

I earned my MA in clinical psychology with the concentration on child and family studies from Roosevelt University in Chicago, IL. Since then, I have become certified in hypnotherapy to complement Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy training which was my focus during graduate work in college. I have also intensively studied attachment-based approaches such as Theraplay and their applications with traumatized youth and parents.  

Healing traumatic experiences changes lives of individuals and their families who then effect our communities. I believe we all deserve a healthy living environment, including the one within ourselves. 

Please give me a call or email me for a free consultation.

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    St. Charles, IL 60174

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